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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ab Initio Studies of the Influence of Pressure on the Structure and Electronic and Elastic Properties of Carbonates of Alkaline and Alkaline-Earth Metals Zhuravlev, Yu. N.

64 7 p. 405-415
2 Application of the Entropy Approach to Estimating the Contribution of Structural Features on the Stampability of Aluminum Alloys Nosova, E. A.

64 7 p. 385-392
3 Effect of Temperature on the Luminescence Properties of Pure and Nd3+-Doped CaMoO4 and SrMoO4 Single Crystals Fedyunin, F. D.

64 7 p. 347-355
4 Effects of Gamma-Induced Defects on the Activator Glow in the Lu2SiO5:Ce Scintillator Crystals Islamov, A. Kh.

64 7 p. 362-371
5 Molecular Dynamic Simulation of the Local Structure of Al–Cu Melts in Liquid and Supercooled States Menshikova, S. G.

64 7 p. 379-384
6 Nonlinear Dynamics of Individual Portevin–Le Chatelier Deformation Bands Shibkov, A. A.

64 7 p. 393-404
7 Study of the Structure and Properties of a High-Entropy AlCoCrFeNi Alloy after Electron-Beam Processing Ivanov, Yu. F.

64 7 p. 372-378
8 The Comparative Analysis of the Fe–Cr–C–Ti–Al Coatings Synthesized by Laser, Arc and Hybrid Cladding Methods Gokhfeld, N. V.

64 7 p. 356-361
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland