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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Binary and Ternary Alloy Nanowires: Correlation of Structural and Magnetic Properties Khairetdinova, D. R.

64 5 p. 255-263
2 Josephson Tunnel Junctions with an Integral Superconductor–Insulator–Normal Metal Shunt Shevchenko, M. S.

64 5 p. 278-282
3 Lattice Dynamics of BCC Titanium and Its Nonlinear Response to High Temperature Deformations in Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Belov, M. P.

64 5 p. 229-233
4 Mechanisms of Magnetoelectric Effects in Oxide Multiferroics with a Perovskite Praphase Gareeva, Z. V.

64 5 p. 248-254
5 Phase Transitions in the Diluted Two-Dimensional Potts Model with the Number of Spin States q = 3 on a Square Lattice Murtazaev, A. K.

64 5 p. 264-270
6 Phonon Spectrum of La2Ge2O7: Ab Initio Calculation Chernyshev, V. A.

64 5 p. 234-247
7 Point Defects of Bismuth in TlInTe2 Crystals: Electrophysical and Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions Nadzhafov, A. I.

64 5 p. 271-277
8 Specific Features of Synthesis, Structure, Magnetometry, and NMR Spectroscopy of Different-Type Nanowires Zagorskii, D. L.

64 5 p. 283-291
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland