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                             56 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ab initio Study of Optical and Bulk Properties of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Solid Solutions Saleev, V. A.

16 6 p. 916-922
2 Active Moss Biomonitoring Using the “Moss Bag Technique” in the Park of Moscow Shvetsova, M. S.

16 6 p. 994-1003
3 A Detail Investigation on the Synthesis of Superheavy Element Z = 119 Manjunatha, H. C.

16 6 p. 647-655
4 A Flexible Real-Time Algorithm for the RedStorm#2 Software Package Tsyganov, Yu. S.

16 6 p. 807-810
5 Almost Everywhere Homogeneous Abelian (Anti)Self-Dual Fields as a Domain Wall Network Nedel’ko, S. N.

16 6 p. 690-705
6 Analysis of Metrological Provision Problems of a Test Stand for Testing Radio-Electronic Products for Resistance to Irradiation with High-Energy Heavy Ions Butenko, A. V.

16 6 p. 734-743
7 A Remote State Preparation Scheme Initiated and Fixed by a Mentor Choudhury, B. S.

16 6 p. 608-612
8 Axisymmetric Force-Free Magnetospheres and Theoretical Models Beyond General Relativity: Magnetic Moment of Axion Stars Diego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo,

16 6 p. 586-592
9 B-Splines and Bernstein Basis Polynomials Ershov, S. N.

16 6 p. 593-601
10 Ceramics of Bolgar: the First Results of Usage of Neutron Activation Analysis Koval, V. Yu.

16 6 p. 1004-1020
11 Characterization of GEM Detectors in the BM@N Experiment Vasiliev, S. E.

16 6 p. 859-865
12 Compact Electron Gun for High-Voltage Electron Cooling Systems Denisov, A. P.

16 6 p. 876-884
13 Constructing Environmental Radon Gas Detector and Measuring Concentration in Residential Buildings Jamshid Soltani-Nabipour,

16 6 p. 789-795
14 Coupled Reaction Channels and Cluster Folding Analysis for 3He+20Ne Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Hamada, Sh.

16 6 p. 602-607
15 Development of the Millimeter-Wave Accelerating Structure Arsentyeva, M. V.

16 6 p. 885-894
16 Dynamics of Quantum States in a System of 3 Quantum Dots with Dipole-Dipole Interaction Altaisky, M. V.

16 6 p. 911-915
17 Effects of K–K1 Transitions on Kaon-Field Renormalization in the NJL Model Framework Volkov, M. K.

16 6 p. 565-568
18 Energy Levels and Transition Rates for Ti XIV Fatma El-Sayed,

16 6 p. 713-728
19 Finite Size Effects in the Free Energy Density for Abelian (Anti-)Self-Dual Gluon Field in SU(3) Gluodynamics Nedelko, S.

16 6 p. 553-564
20 Innovative 20-MeV Superconducting Cyclotron for Medical Applications Smirnov, V.

16 6 p. 899-906
21 Inverse Radon Transform at Work Gabdrakhmanov, I. R.

16 6 p. 625-637
22 Kaon to Pion Ratio in SU(3) PNJL Model Friesen, A.

16 6 p. 681-689
23 Lagrange Envelope Equations of the Charged Particles Bunch Moving in a Azimuthally Symmetric Magnetic Field Baev, V. K.

16 6 p. 907-910
24 Luminosity Measurement and Control at NICA Igamkulov, Z.

16 6 p. 744-753
25 Measurement of the Time of Flight of Charged Particles by a Time Detector Based on the MCP for the MAVR Facility Aznabayev, D.

16 6 p. 842-846
26 NE102A Plastic Scintillator Response to 3He Ions Fatemeh Jafari,

16 6 p. 761-767
27 On Coherent Neutrino and Antineutrino Scattering off Nuclei Bednyakov, V. A.

16 6 p. 638-646
28 On Electron Scattering through a Single Corrugated Graphene Sructure Buša, J.

16 6 p. 729-733
29 On Relation between Bulk, Surface and Curvature Parts of Nuclear Binding Energy within the Model of Hexagonal Clusters Sagun, V. V.

16 6 p. 671-680
30 Orthonormal Polynomial Expansion of Different Types of Silver Nanoparticles Spectroscopic Data Bogdanova, N.

16 6 p. 989-993
31 Phenomenological Analysis of Characteristics of Rotational Bands in $$^{{158,160}}$$Gd Isotopes Usmanov, P. N.

16 6 p. 706-712
32 Prompt Neutrons from Spontaneous 254Rf Fission Svirikhin, A. I.

16 6 p. 768-771
33 Proton-Accelerator Driven High-Flux Pulsed Neutron Source for Beam Research Vinogradov, A. V.

16 6 p. 952-966
34 Quenching of Axial-Vector Weak Interaction Constant in Halo Nuclei Izosimov, I. N.

16 6 p. 754-760
35 Restrictions on the Masses of Scalar Leptoquarks in the Four-Color Model Povarov, A.V.

16 6 p. 578-585
36 Scanning a Silicon Photomultiplier with a Laser Beam Anfimov, N. V.

16 6 p. 820-825
37 Shielding Design for the Extended Uranium Target “Buran” Paraipan, M.

16 6 p. 923-932
38 Software for Calculation of Elements Mass Fractions in Investigated Samples by Absolute Method of Neutron Activation Analysis Dmitriev, A. Yu.

16 6 p. 772-778
39 Soliton Dynamics in a 4D Nonlinear Spinor Field Model under White Noise Aydogmus, F.

16 6 p. 613-619
40 Space Dimension Dynamics and Modified Coulomb Potential of Quarks—Dubna Potentials Martin Bureš,

16 6 p. 620-624
41 Start-Up of the DC-280 Cyclotron, the Basic Facility of the Factory of Superheavy Elements of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Gulbekian, G. G.

16 6 p. 866-875
42 Straw Chambers for the NA64 Experiment Volkov, V. Yu.

16 6 p. 847-858
43 Symmetry-Scaling Based Complex Network Approach to Explore Exotic Hadronic States in High-Energy Collision Bhaduri, S.

16 6 p. 779-788
44 Synthesis of Transuranium Nuclei in Multinucleon Transfer Reactions at Near-Barrier Energies Karpov, A.

16 6 p. 667-670
45 Theoretical Optimization of Neutron and Physical Characteristics of a Multiplying Pulsed Neutron Source Based on a Proton Accelerator Pepelyshev, Yu. N.

16 6 p. 933-951
46 The Spectrum of Quantum Gravity Xavier Calmet,

16 6 p. 656-661
47 The Teleportation of the Bell States Has Been Carried Out on the Five-Qubit Quantum IBM Computer Gerdt, V. P.

16 6 p. 975-984
48 Time-of-Flight System of HyperNIS Spectrometer Averyanov, A. V.

16 6 p. 796-806
49 Towards Simulation of Quark and Diquark Fragmentations in the Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM) Uzhinsky, V.

16 6 p. 985-988
50 Transverse Momentum Distributions of Charged Hadrons Produced in He12C Collisions at 4.2A GeV/c Wazir, Z.

16 6 p. 662-666
51 Trigger System of the HyperNIS Experiment Averyanov, A. V.

16 6 p. 826-834
52 Trigger System of the NUCLEON Experiment Boreiko, V. F.

16 6 p. 811-819
53 Two Methods of Determination of Parities of Low-Lying States in 159Gd from Analysis of the γ-ray Intensities from Reaction 158Gd(nres, γ)159Gd Granja, C.

16 6 p. 967-974
54 Use of Permanent Magnets in Circular Accelerators with a Constant Radius of the Orbit Dolbilov, G. V.

16 6 p. 895-898
55 Using Magnus Expansion to Calculate the Neutrino Survival Probability Lomov, V. P.

16 6 p. 569-577
56 Validation and Correction for 208Tl Activity to Assay 232Th in Equilibrium with Its Daughters Omar Abo-Bakr Omar,

16 6 p. 835-841
                             56 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland