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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Determination of Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients by Analytic Continuation of Differential Cross Sections Blokhintsev, L. D.

85 2 p. 154-159
2 Fast Charged Particles in the Interaction of Fe with Be, Ta, and U Nuclei at an Energy of 400 MeV Penionzhkevich, Yu. E.

85 2 p. 145-153
3 Leptonic Decay Widths for a Compound System of Two Relativistic Equal-Mass Fermions Chernichenko, Yu. D.

85 2 p. 205-216
4 Monte Carlo Study of Associated Higgs Boson Production with a Single Top Quark Boyko, I. R.

85 2 p. 167-175
5 On Eta-Meson Interaction with Nuclear Matter Turinge, A. A.

85 2 p. 185-191
6 Peculiarity of the C(0) and C(2) Energy Spectrum in a 3 Model Tursunov, E. M.

85 2 p. 160-166
7 Study of the Production of Positively Charged Pions in Proton–Proton Collisions in the Range of Primary Momenta between 1345 and 1536 MeV/ Sarantsev, V. V.

85 2 p. 176-184
8 Two-Boson in a Charged-Current Polarized Process Zykunov, V. A.

85 2 p. 192-204
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland