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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anisotropic Localized Wavelets for Image Processing Wang, Qingzheng

33 1 p. 11-21
2 Controllable Image Caption Based on Adaptive Weight and Optimization Strategy Shao, Jie

33 1 p. 1-10
3 Design and Implementation of Land Area Calculation for Maps Using Mask Region Based Convolutional Neural Networks Deep Neural Network Pathan, Akram A.

33 1 p. 54-65
4 Effects of Different Pretrained Deep Learning Algorithms as Feature Extractor in Tomato Plant Health Classification Hou Ming Chong,

33 1 p. 39-46
5 Enhancement of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Using Cascade of Notch Filter and Linear Transformation Methods Shivaprasad, B. J.

33 1 p. 66-79
6 Fine-Grained Object Recognition Using a Combination Model of Navigator–Teacher–Scrutinizer and Spinal Networks Nurhasanah,

33 1 p. 47-53
7 Pattern-Recognition Tools and Their Applications Khachumov, M. V.

33 1 p. 28-38
8 Term Frequency and Estimating the Closeness of Short Texts to the Semantic Standard Mikhaylov, D. V.

33 1 p. 22-27
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland