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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Demand prediction of rice growth stage-wise irrigation water requirement and fertilizer using Bayesian genetic algorithm and random forest for yield enhancement Majumdar, Parijata

21 2 p. 275-293
2 Effect of base surface roughness, cutting depth and coating thickness on adhesion of inorganic repair materials for repairing concrete channels in the pre-survey and monitoring survey Kato, Satoshi

21 2 p. 151-164
3 Effects of manure application timing on rice water productivity, nutrient leaching, and runoff under monsoon climate Shariot-Ullah, Md.

21 2 p. 263-274
4 Impact of tillage cum crop establishment methods and nutrient management strategies on wet rice (Oryza sativa L): crop productivity, water footprint, soil health and profitability in typic Ustochrept soils under semi-arid sub-tropical environment Chandra, Mandapelli Sharath

21 2 p. 165-179
5 Impacts of the dry season on rice production using Landsat 8 in West Sumatra Irsyad, Fadli

21 2 p. 205-217
6 Large-scale mapping of new mixed rice cropping patterns in southern China with phenology-based algorithm and MODIS dataset Shao, Qihui

21 2 p. 243-261
7 Machine learning in establishing the stage–discharge rating curve of an irrigation canal Chen, Yen-Chang

21 2 p. 181-191
8 Mining of soil data for predicting the paddy productivity by machine learning techniques Antony, Ajitha

21 2 p. 231-242
9 Plant hydraulic resistance controls transpiration of soybean in rotational paddy fields under humid climates Kubota, Shigehiro

21 2 p. 219-230
10 Significance of temperature control in nitrogen transformations in surface sediments of Taihu Lake, China Wu, Ling

21 2 p. 193-203
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland