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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acceptability of artificial intelligence in dental radiology among patients in India: are we ready for this revolution? Arora, Preeti Chawla

41 1 p. 69-77
2 Accuracy of intraoral ultrasound to evaluate alveolar bone level: an ex vivo study in human cadavers Corbea, Claudiu

41 1 p. 33-40
3 Assessing masseter muscle volume and activity in relation to craniofacial morphology: a 3D CBCT study Okkesim, Alime

41 1 p. 25-32
4 Automatic segmentation and visualization of cortical and marrow bone in mandibular condyle on CBCT: a preliminary exploration of clinical application Wu, Qinxin

41 1 p. 88-101
5 Combined external radiotherapy and single-fraction palliative high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy for a patient with a base of tongue cancer who had a previous radiation history Yoshida, Ken

41 1 p. 144-150
6 Correction: Comparing the accuracy of two machine learning models in detection and classification of periapical lesions using periapical radiographs Viet, Do Hoang

41 1 p. 151
7 Deep learning segmentation of mandible with lower dentition from cone beam CT Kargilis, Daniel C.

41 1 p. 1-9
8 Effect of metallic materials on magnetic resonance image uniformity: a quantitative experimental study Shimamoto, Hiroaki

41 1 p. 78-87
9 Evaluation of fractal analysis and radiomorphometric measurements of mandibular bone structure in bruxism and non-bruxism paediatric patients Önsüren, Aslı Soğukpınar

41 1 p. 60-68
10 Evaluation of masticatory muscles in patients with different sagittal direction skeletal anomalies by ultrasonography and ultrasonographic elastography Tüfekçi, Cansu

41 1 p. 41-51
11 Evaluation of root canal filling length on periapical radiograph using artificial intelligence Çelik, Berrin

41 1 p. 102-110
12 Fractal dimension, lacunarity, and bone area fraction analysis of peri-implant trabecular bone after prosthodontic loading Dundar, Nesrin

41 1 p. 120-130
13 Patients’ attitudes toward artificial intelligence in dentistry and their trust in dentists Bahadir, Hasibe Sevilay

41 1 p. 52-59
14 Style harmonization of panoramic radiography using deep learning Kim, Hak-Sun

41 1 p. 111-119
15 The relationship between radiographic measurements of alveolar bone in posterior single-tooth edentulous regions and non-alveolar jawbones using multidetector computed tomography Barngkgei, Imad

41 1 p. 10-24
16 Ultrasonography as an additional tool to localize impacted canines Yatabe, Marilia

41 1 p. 131-143
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland