no |
title |
author |
magazine |
year |
volume |
issue |
page(s) |
type |
1 |
Assessing the Effectiveness of Tailings Pond Seepage Remediation Using the Four Dimensions of “Point-Line-Surface-Body”: A Case Study
Yuan, Shichong |
42 |
4 |
p. 687-696 |
article |
2 |
A Study of Interbedded Groundwater Contamination in a Mining Area and the Process of Grouting Composite Failure
Ding, Jia |
42 |
4 |
p. 590-604 |
article |
3 |
Composition and Sources of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Goafs of the Xinjulong Coal Mine
Sun, Mengyang |
42 |
4 |
p. 578-589 |
article |
4 |
Dear Reader,
Kleinman, Bob |
42 |
4 |
p. 527 |
article |
5 |
Geochemical Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements Throughout an Acid Mine Drainage Passive Treatment System in the Lousal Mine Area, Portugal
Obregón-Castro, Cynthia |
42 |
4 |
p. 533-545 |
article |
6 |
Insights from the Compilation and Critical Assessment of Breach and Runout Characteristics from Historical Tailings Dam Failures: Implications for Numerical Modelling
Adria, Daniel A. M. |
42 |
4 |
p. 650-669 |
article |
7 |
Irrigation Should be Explored as a Sustainable Management Solution to the Acid Mine Drainage Legacy of the Witwatersrand Goldfields
Annandale, John |
42 |
4 |
p. 639-649 |
article |
8 |
Pit Wall Depressurization Using Horizontal Drains: MODFLOW-Based Analysis Techniques
Thompson, Craig |
42 |
4 |
p. 528-532 |
article |
9 |
Pollution of Surface Water Close to an Artisanal Gold Mining Area: the Case of Macalder Mine, Kenya
Mlewa, Faith Furaha |
42 |
4 |
p. 605-617 |
article |
10 |
Refinement Study on the Water-Inrush Risk of Close-Distance Thin Coal Seam Mining with Pressure in the Lower Coal Seam
Xue, Yu |
42 |
4 |
p. 670-686 |
article |
11 |
Remote Sensing Data and Indices to Support Water Management: A Holistic Post-mining Approach for Lignite Mining in Greece
Louloudis, Georgios |
42 |
4 |
p. 618-638 |
article |
12 |
Role of Secondary Sulfate Minerals on Metal Recycling in an Abandoned Copper Deposit: Kuvarshan (Artvin), Northeastern Turkey
Yolcubal, I. |
42 |
4 |
p. 560-577 |
article |
13 |
Study of Roof Water Inrush Control Technology and Water Resources Utilization During Coal Mining in a Karst Area
Wang, Wenqiang |
42 |
4 |
p. 546-559 |
article |