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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new method of finding component orthogonal arrays for order-of-addition experiments Zhao, Yuna

84 6 p. 805-824
2 Convergence of least squares estimators in the adaptive Wynn algorithm for some classes of nonlinear regression models Freise, Fritjof

84 6 p. 851-874
3 Diagnostic test meta-analysis by empirical likelihood under a Copas-like selection model Li, Mengke

84 6 p. 927-947
4 Imprecise inference based on the log-rank test for accelerated life testing Coolen, Frank P. A.

84 6 p. 913-925
5 Network vector autoregression with individual effects Tang, Yiming

84 6 p. 875-893
6 On moments of folded and truncated multivariate Student-t distributions based on recurrence relations Galarza, Christian E.

84 6 p. 825-850
7 Uniform consistency in number of neighbors of the kNN estimator of the conditional quantile model Laksaci, Ali

84 6 p. 895-911
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland