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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A note on multiple roots of a likelihood equation for Weibull sequential order statistics Johnen, Marcus

83 4 p. 519-525
2 Asymptotic distribution of modularity in networks Li, Yang

83 4 p. 467-484
3 Comparing two nonparametric regression curves in the presence of long memory in covariates and errors Koul, Hira L.

83 4 p. 499-517
4 Elfving’s theorem for R-optimality of experimental designs Liu, Xin

83 4 p. 485-498
5 Poisson source localization on the plane: the smooth case Chernoyarov, O. V.

83 4 p. 411-435
6 Testing marginal homogeneity of a continuous bivariate distribution with possibly incomplete paired data Gaigall, Daniel

83 4 p. 437-465
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland