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                             35 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Additive Complements for a Given Asymptotic Density Faisant, Alain

18 1 artikel
2 Admissible Vectors and Hilbert Algebras Gómez-Cubillo, F.

18 1 artikel
3 Analytical Integrability of Perturbations of Quadratic Systems Algaba, Antonio

18 1 artikel
4 A New Iterative Algorithm for the Multiple-Sets Split Feasibility Problem and the Split Equality Fixed Point Problem Guan, Jin-Lin

18 1 artikel
5 A Robust Numerical Method for a Singularly Perturbed Fredholm Integro-Differential Equation Durmaz, Muhammet Enes

18 1 artikel
6 Bennett–Leindler Type Inequalities for Nabla Time Scale Calculus Kayar, Zeynep

18 1 artikel
7 Compact and Weakly Compact Multipliers on Fourier Algebras of Ultraspherical Hypergroups Esmailvandi, Reza

18 1 artikel
8 Convergence in Phi-Variation and Rate of Approximation for Nonlinear Integral Operators Using Summability Process Aslan, İsmail

18 1 artikel
9 Decomposition Formulae for Dirichlet Forms and Their Corollaries BenAmor, Ali

18 1 artikel
10 Direct Operational Vector Scheme for First-Kind Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations and Its Convergence Analysis Dehbozorgi, Raziyeh

18 1 artikel
11 Entropy Solutions for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Nonstandard Growth in Non-reflexive Orlicz Spaces Bourahma, M.

18 1 artikel
12 Equivalence Between Uniform Lp∗ A Priori Bounds and Uniform L∞ A Priori Bounds for Subcritical p-Laplacian Equations Mavinga, N.

18 1 artikel
13 Exact Boundary Controllability and Energy Decay for a System of Wave Equations Linearly Coupled Nunes, Ruikson S. O.

18 1 artikel
14 Existence of Multiple Anti-Periodic Solutions for a Higher Order Nonlinear Difference Equation Dhar, Sougata

18 1 artikel
15 Existence of Positive Solution for a Singular Elliptic Problem with an Asymptotically Linear Nonlinearity Lima Alves, Ricardo

18 1 artikel
16 Generalized Lambert Series and Euler’s Pentagonal Number Theorem Merca, Mircea

18 1 artikel
17 Global and Non-global Solutions for a Class of Damped Fourth-Order Schrödinger Equations Saanouni, T.

18 1 artikel
18 Helical Extension Curve of a Space Curve Dede, Mustafa

18 1 artikel
19 Injective Dual Banach Spaces and Operator Ideals Cilia, Raffaella

18 1 artikel
20 Laplacian Controllability for Graphs with Integral Laplacian Spectrum Stanić, Zoran

18 1 artikel
21 Lower Semi-frames, Frames, and Metric Operators Antoine, J.-P.

18 1 artikel
22 Lyapunov Convexity Theorem for von Neumann Algebras and Jordan Operator Structures Hamhalter, Jan

18 1 artikel
23 On Critical Schrödinger–Kirchhoff-Type Problems Involving the Fractional p-Laplacian with Potential Vanishing at Infinity Van Thin, Nguyen

18 1 artikel
24 On Some Moves on Links and the Hopf Crossing Number Mroczkowski, Maciej

18 1 artikel
25 On the Restricted Minimum Condition for Rings Karami Z., A.

18 1 artikel
26 On the Single-Valued Extension Property of Hyponormal Operators on Banach Spaces Chō, Muneo

18 1 artikel
27 On the Sum of k Largest Laplacian Eigenvalues of a Graph and Clique Number Ganie, Hilal A.

18 1 artikel
28 Oscillation and Nonoscillation of Difference Equations with Several Delays Karpuz, Başak

18 1 artikel
29 Periodic Solutions for Systems with p-Relativistic Operator and Unbounded Discontinuous Nonlinearities Chinnì, Antonia

18 1 artikel
30 Quantum Enhancements via Tribracket Brackets Aggarwal, Laira

18 1 artikel
31 Quasilinear Elliptic Problem with Singular Lower Order Term and L1 Data Amine, Marah

18 1 artikel
32 Stability in System of Impulsive Neutral Functional Differential Equations Mesmouli, Mouataz Billah

18 1 artikel
33 Superposition operators between mixed norm spaces of analytic functions Domínguez, Salvador

18 1 artikel
34 The Globalization Problem of the Hamilton–DeDonder–Weyl Equations on a Local k-Symplectic Framework Esen, Oğul

18 1 artikel
35 The Structure of Finitely Generated Shift-Invariant Subspaces on Locally Compact Abelian Groups Tabatabaie, Seyyed Mohammad

18 1 artikel
                             35 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland