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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive semi-supervised learning from stronger augmentation transformations of discrete text information Zhang, Xuemiao

66 8 p. 4609-4629
2 A fuzzy rough set-based horse herd optimization algorithm for map reduce framework for customer behavior data Sudha, D.

66 8 p. 4721-4753
3 An academic recommender system on large citation data based on clustering, graph modeling and deep learning Stergiopoulos, Vaios

66 8 p. 4463-4496
4 An approach for fuzzy group decision making and consensus measure with hesitant judgments of experts Huang, Chao

66 8 p. 4573-4608
5 Argumentation-based multi-agent distributed reasoning in dynamic and open environments Monte-Alto, Helio

66 8 p. 4631-4666
6 Biclustering-based multi-label classification Schmitke, Luiz Rafael

66 8 p. 4861-4898
7 Big data in transportation: a systematic literature analysis and topic classification Tzika-Kostopoulou, Danai

66 8 p. 5021-5046
8 CHEKG: a collaborative and hybrid methodology for engineering modular and fair domain-specific knowledge graphs Angelis, Sotiris

66 8 p. 4899-4925
9 C22MP: the marriage of catch22 and the matrix profile creates a fast, efficient and interpretable anomaly detector Tafazoli, Sadaf

66 8 p. 4789-4823
10 Deep graph clustering via mutual information maximization and mixture model Ahmadi, Maedeh

66 8 p. 4549-4572
11 Dynamic bipartite network model based on structure and preference features Lv, Hehe

66 8 p. 4527-4548
12 Efficient parameter learning for Bayesian Network classifiers following the Apache Spark Dataframes paradigm Akarepis, Ioannis

66 8 p. 4437-4461
13 Enhancing sentiment analysis via fusion of multiple embeddings using attention encoder with LSTM Soni, Jitendra

66 8 p. 4667-4683
14 Enhancing trust and privacy in distributed networks: a comprehensive survey on blockchain-based federated learning Liu, Ji

66 8 p. 4377-4403
15 Ensemble multi-view feature set partitioning method for effective multi-view learning Singh, Ritika

66 8 p. 4957-5001
16 Forecasting financial market structure from network features using machine learning Castilho, Douglas

66 8 p. 4497-4525
17 Improving Alzheimer’s classification using a modified Borda count voting method on dynamic ensemble classifiers Muhammed Niyas, K. P.

66 8 p. 4755-4787
18 Machine learning and deep learning models for human activity recognition in security and surveillance: a review Waghchaware, Sheetal

66 8 p. 4405-4436
19 Misclassification-guided loss under the weighted cross-entropy loss framework Wu, Yan-Xue

66 8 p. 4685-4720
20 Robustness verification of k-nearest neighbors by abstract interpretation Fassina, Nicolò

66 8 p. 4825-4859
21 Semantic features analysis for biomedical lexical answer type prediction using ensemble learning approach Hussain, Fiza Gulzar

66 8 p. 5003-5019
22 Tuning structure learning algorithms with out-of-sample and resampling strategies Chobtham, Kiattikun

66 8 p. 4927-4955
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland