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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A consensus reaching process with hesitant fuzzy elements considers the individuals best and worst consensus levels Li, Jian

65 9 p. 3665-3693
2 A novel scheme to detect the best cloud service provider using logarithmic operational law in generalized spherical fuzzy environment Haque, Tipu Sultan

65 9 p. 3695-3724
3 Automatic generation of incremental taxonomies for supporting the users in the development of an RPA project Martínez-Rojas, Antonio

65 9 p. 3633-3664
4 CP-nets-based user preference learning in automated negotiation through completion and correction Cai, Jianlong

65 9 p. 3567-3590
5 Cutting to the chase with warm-start contextual bandits Oetomo, Bastian

65 9 p. 3533-3565
6 Cybersecurity knowledge graphs Sikos, Leslie F.

65 9 p. 3511-3531
7 Entity graphs for exploring online discourse Botzer, Nicholas

65 9 p. 3591-3609
8 FoodRecNet: a comprehensively personalized food recommender system using deep neural networks Hamdollahi Oskouei, Saeed

65 9 p. 3753-3775
9 Garden: a real-time processing framework for continuous top-k trajectory similarity search Pan, Zhicheng

65 9 p. 3777-3805
10 Knowledge-based system for three-way decision-making under uncertainty Ramisetty, Kavya

65 9 p. 3807-3838
11 Knowledge graph incremental embedding for unseen modalities Wei, Yuyang

65 9 p. 3611-3631
12 Migrating federated learning to centralized learning with the leverage of unlabeled data Wang, Xiaoya

65 9 p. 3725-3752
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland