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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A combined approach for improving humanoid robots autonomous cognitive capabilities Madani, Kurosh

65 8 p. 3197-3221
2 A new fuzzy time series forecasting model based on clustering technique and normal fuzzy function Nguyen-Huynh, Luan

65 8 p. 3489-3509
3 A new interest extraction method based on multi-head attention mechanism for CTR prediction Yang, Haifeng

65 8 p. 3337-3352
4 COOT optimization algorithm on training artificial neural networks Özden, Ayşenur

65 8 p. 3353-3383
5 Data management in digital twins: a systematic literature review Correia, Jaqueline B.

65 8 p. 3165-3196
6 DisGeReExT: a knowledge discovery system for exploration of disease–gene associations through large-scale literature-wide analysis study Bhasuran, Balu

65 8 p. 3463-3487
7 Fast data-free model compression via dictionary-pair reconstruction Gao, Yangcheng

65 8 p. 3435-3461
8 Grier: graph repairing based on iterative embedding and rules Ye, Chen

65 8 p. 3273-3294
9 Mining frequent generators and closures in data streams with FGC-Stream Martin, Tomas

65 8 p. 3295-3335
10 Physics-guided machine learning from simulated data with different physical parameters Chen, Shengyu

65 8 p. 3223-3250
11 Stable and semi-stable sampling approaches for continuously used samples Astrakhantsev, Nikita

65 8 p. 3251-3271
12 The impact of prior knowledge on causal structure learning Constantinou, Anthony C.

65 8 p. 3385-3434
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland