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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive curvature exploration geometric graph neural network Fu, Xingcheng

65 5 p. 2281-2304
2 A jointly non-cooperative game-based offloading and dynamic service migration approach in mobile edge computing Li, Chunlin

65 5 p. 2187-2223
3 An action–reaction influence model relying on OSN user-generated content De Santo, Aniello

65 5 p. 2251-2280
4 A new approach to neutrosophic soft rough sets Yolcu, Adem

65 5 p. 2043-2060
5 An in-depth and contrasting survey of meta-heuristic approaches with classical feature selection techniques specific to cervical cancer Kurman, Sangeeta

65 5 p. 1881-1934
6 An integer linear programming model to improve the dependency graph discovery step of heuristics miner methods Tavakoli-Zaniani, Maryam

65 5 p. 2087-2121
7 A novel correlation Gaussian process regression-based extreme learning machine Ye, Xuan

65 5 p. 2017-2042
8 DAuCNet: deep autoregressive framework for temporal link prediction combining copy mechanism network Hou, Xiangning

65 5 p. 2061-2085
9 Falcon: lightweight and accurate convolution based on depthwise separable convolution Jang, Jun-Gi

65 5 p. 2225-2249
10 Group decision-making with interval multiplicative preference relations Wan, Shuping

65 5 p. 2305-2346
11 Information extraction pipelines for knowledge graphs Jaradeh, Mohamad Yaser

65 5 p. 1989-2016
12 Interactive reinforced feature selection with traverse strategy Liu, Kunpeng

65 5 p. 1935-1962
13 Selection of browsers for smartphones: a fuzzy hybrid approach and machine learning technique Arunagiri, Ramathilagam

65 5 p. 1963-1988
14 Ultra-fast meta-parameter optimization for time series similarity measures with application to nearest neighbour classification Tan, Chang Wei

65 5 p. 2123-2157
15 Using topic-noise models to generate domain-specific topics across data sources Churchill, Rob

65 5 p. 2159-2186
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland