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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advanced agronomics model with species classification, minimum support price prediction, and profit suggestion using enhanced deep learning strategy Visnu Dharsini, S.

65 3 p. 1243-1285
2 A new method of ensemble learning: case of cryptocurrency price prediction Rather, Akhter Mohiuddin

65 3 p. 1179-1197
3 A survey of continuous subgraph matching for dynamic graphs Wang, Xi

65 3 p. 945-989
4 A systematic construction of non-i.i.d. data sets from a single data set: non-identically distributed data Torra, Vicenç

65 3 p. 991-1003
5 Automated urban planning aware spatial hierarchies and human instructions Wang, Dongjie

65 3 p. 1337-1364
6 Concept drift detection and accelerated convergence of online learning Guo, Husheng

65 3 p. 1005-1043
7 DNETC: dynamic network embedding preserving both triadic closure evolution and community structures Yang, Min

65 3 p. 1129-1157
8 Dynamic ensemble selection classification algorithm based on window over imbalanced drift data stream Han, Meng

65 3 p. 1105-1128
9 Evaluation of information diffusion path based on a multi-topic relationship strength network Zhu, Hengmin

65 3 p. 1199-1220
10 Exploiting anonymous entity mentions for named entity linking Hou, Feng

65 3 p. 1221-1242
11 Identifying significant textual features in titles of Google play store applications and their influence on user review rating Bilal, Ahmad

65 3 p. 1159-1178
12 Improved score aggregation for authorship verification Khonji, Mahmoud

65 3 p. 1317-1336
13 KLECA: knowledge-level-evolution and category-aware personalized knowledge recommendation Cheng, Lin

65 3 p. 1045-1065
14 Logical design of multi-model data warehouses Bimonte, Sandro

65 3 p. 1067-1103
15 Robust and fast low-rank deep convolutional feature recovery: toward information retention and accelerated convergence Ren, Jiahuan

65 3 p. 1287-1315
16 Tailoring and evaluating the Wikipedia for in-domain comparable corpora extraction España-Bonet, Cristina

65 3 p. 1365-1397
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland