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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accelerating massive queries of approximate nearest neighbor search on high-dimensional data Liu, Yingfan

65 10 p. 4185-4212
2 A graph-based approach for minimising the knowledge requirement of explainable recommender systems Caro-Martínez, Marta

65 10 p. 4379-4409
3 A hash-based index for processing frequent updates and continuous location-based range queries Chaudhry, Natalia

65 10 p. 4233-4271
4 Analysis and price prediction of cryptocurrencies for historical and live data using ensemble-based neural networks Rathee, Nisha

65 10 p. 4055-4084
5 A survey on rumor detection and prevention in social media using deep learning Pattanaik, Barsha

65 10 p. 3839-3880
6 Computer-aided diagnosis systems: a comparative study of classical machine learning versus deep learning-based approaches Guetari, Ramzi

65 10 p. 3881-3921
7 Continual text classification based on knowledge distillation and class-aware experience replay Yang, Fengqin

65 10 p. 3923-3944
8 Correction: Meta-heuristic endured deep learning model for big data classification: image analytics Naveen, P.

65 10 p. 4431
9 Enhanced U-Net segmentation with ensemble convolutional neural network for automated skin disease classification Reddy, Dasari Anantha

65 10 p. 4111-4156
10 Exploiting spatial relations for grammar-based specification of multidimensional languages Della Penna, Giuseppe

65 10 p. 3995-4020
11 GM2NAS: multitask multiview graph neural architecture search Gao, Jianliang

65 10 p. 4021-4054
12 GradeAid: a framework for automatic short answers grading in educational contexts—design, implementation and evaluation del Gobbo, Emiliano

65 10 p. 4295-4334
13 Heterogeneous graph neural network with semantic-aware differential privacy guarantees Wei, Yuecen

65 10 p. 4085-4110
14 Hybrid CPU/GPU/APU accelerated query, insert, update and erase operations in hash tables with string keys Groth, Tobias

65 10 p. 4359-4377
15 Imbalance factor: a simple new scale for measuring inter-class imbalance extent in classification problems Pirizadeh, Mohsen

65 10 p. 4157-4183
16 MIN: multi-dimensional interest network for click-through rate prediction Yan, Cairong

65 10 p. 3945-3965
17 Multi-task entity linking with supervision from a taxonomy Wang, Xuwu

65 10 p. 4335-4358
18 Owner name entity recognition in websites based on heterogeneous and dynamic graph transformer Ren, Yimo

65 10 p. 4411-4429
19 Seq2EG: a novel and effective event graph parsing approach for event extraction Sun, Haotong

65 10 p. 4273-4294
20 Tracking social provenance in chains of retweets Migliorini, Sara

65 10 p. 3967-3994
21 Utilizing the influence of multiple potential factors for social recommendation Qian, Fulan

65 10 p. 4213-4232
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland