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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A cooperative treatment of the plethoric answers problem in RDF Parkin, Louise

64 9 p. 2481-2514
2 A novel approach for optimization of convolution neural network with hybrid particle swarm and grey wolf algorithm for classification of Indian classical dances Challapalli, Jhansi Rani

64 9 p. 2411-2434
3 Approximate posterior inference for Bayesian models: black-box expectation propagation Li, Ximing

64 9 p. 2361-2387
4 A survey on review summarization and sentiment classification Komwad, Nagsen

64 9 p. 2289-2327
5 Complex Attributed Network Embedding for medical complication prediction Zhang, Zhe

64 9 p. 2435-2456
6 Fuzzy entropy functions based on perceived uncertainty Aggarwal, Manish

64 9 p. 2389-2409
7 Graph attention-based collaborative filtering for user-specific recommender system using knowledge graph and deep neural networks Elahi, Ehsan

64 9 p. 2457-2480
8 Graph relation embedding network for click-through rate prediction Wu, Yixuan

64 9 p. 2543-2564
9 gRosSo: mining statistically robust patterns from a sequence of datasets Tonon, Andrea

64 9 p. 2329-2359
10 Uncertainty-bounded reinforcement learning for revenue optimization in air cargo: a prescriptive learning approach Rizzo, Stefano Giovanni

64 9 p. 2515-2541
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland