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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A graph-based solution for writer identification from handwritten text Rahman, Atta Ur

64 6 p. 1501-1523
2 An evidence-based credit evaluation ensemble framework for online retail SMEs Han, Lu

64 6 p. 1603-1623
3 Applications of deep learning for phishing detection: a systematic literature review Catal, Cagatay

64 6 p. 1457-1500
4 Are the statistical tests the best way to deal with the biomarker selection problem? Urkullu, Ari

64 6 p. 1549-1570
5 Autonomous graph mining algorithm search with best performance trade-off Yoon, Minji

64 6 p. 1571-1602
6 Data pricing in machine learning pipelines Cong, Zicun

64 6 p. 1417-1455
7 Relational metric learning with high-order neighborhood interactions for social recommendation Liu, Zhen

64 6 p. 1525-1547
8 Unsupervised model for aspect categorization and implicit aspect extraction AL-Janabi, Omar Mustafa

64 6 p. 1625-1651
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland