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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A framework for personalized recommendation with conditional generative adversarial networks Wen, Jing

64 10 p. 2637-2660
2 A multi-objective optimization approach to package delivery by the crowd of occupied taxis Zhou, Zhifeng

64 10 p. 2713-2736
3 Anomaly detection in the context of long-term cloud resource usage planning Nawrocki, Piotr

64 10 p. 2689-2711
4 Elastic distances for time-series classification: Itakura versus Sakoe-Chiba constraints Geler, Zoltan

64 10 p. 2797-2832
5 Hybrid online–offline learning to rank using simulated annealing strategy based on dependent click model Ibrahim, Osman Ali Sadek

64 10 p. 2833-2847
6 Learning dataset representation for automatic machine learning algorithm selection Cohen-Shapira, Noy

64 10 p. 2599-2635
7 Learning to hash: a comprehensive survey of deep learning-based hashing methods Singh, Avantika

64 10 p. 2565-2597
8 Missing value estimation of microarray data using Sim-GAN Pati, Soumen Kumar

64 10 p. 2661-2687
9 NEAWalk: Inferring missing social interactions via topological-temporal embeddings of social groups Shen, Yinghan

64 10 p. 2771-2795
10 Parity-based cumulative fairness-aware boosting Iosifidis, Vasileios

64 10 p. 2737-2770
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland