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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of the Load Distribution and Internodal Flows under Different Routing Strategies in a Multiuser Network Malashenko, Yu. E.

61 6 p. 970-980
2 Application of Geometric Wireframe Models to Control the Berthing of Space Objects Golubev, Yu. F.

61 6 p. 1031-1045
3 Approximate-Optimal Synthesis of Operational Control Systems for Dynamic Objects on the Basis of Quasilinearization and Sufficient Optimality Conditions Daneev, A. V.

61 6 p. 918-934
4 A Solution for Trajectory Planning and Control of Cooperative Steering Mobile Robot Based on Time Elastic Band Sun, Xuehao

61 6 p. 1046-1057
5 Consolidation of Individual Rankings by the Method of Branches And Bounds Nefedov, V. N.

61 6 p. 981-989
6 Decomposition Method for Solving the Three-Index Problem of Effective Shooting Antipova, N. V.

61 6 p. 962-969
7 Frame Regularization of a Convolutional Neural Network in Image-Classification Problems Grigoriev, A. D.

61 6 p. 1020-1030
8 Fuzzy Correspondence Matrix for Air-Transportation Models Nesterov, V. A.

61 6 p. 954-961
9 Improved Harmony Search Algorithm for Multihop Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Sowmya, G. V.

61 6 p. 1058-1075
10 Intelligent Support for Solution of the Problem of Operational Goal Setting by Aircraft Crew at the “Landing” Stage: Collision “Runway Running”—“Poor Braking” Threat Aspidova, A. M.

61 6 p. 1003-1019
11 Interconnected Control System for a Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles under Information Counteraction Boldinov, V. A.

61 6 p. 893-901
12 Mathematical Model of Control of the Technical Condition of Elements of Complex Technical Systems on the Basis of the Distribution Law of the Function of Element Failures Kos, O. I.

61 6 p. 885-892
13 Multi-Agent Dynamic Model of the Multi-Criteria Information Interaction of Structural Elements of a Self-Organizing Data Transmission Network of a Ground-Air Monitoring System Borodin, V. V.

61 6 p. 990-1002
14 On the Optimal Swinging of a Swing by a Person Standing on It Klimina, L. A.

61 6 p. 944-953
15 Optimization of Information Exchange in a Network of Autonomous Participants Gruzlikov, A. M.

61 6 p. 935-943
16 Optimum Complexing of Measurements when Maintaining a Maneuvering Object in Statistically Uncertain Situations Detkov, A. N.

61 6 p. 902-917
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland