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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive Motion Control of a Mobile Wheeled Robot Taking into Account the Nonideality of the Drives Alhaddad, Muhammad

61 5 p. 868-883
2 Comparative Analysis of Particle Filters for Stochastic Systems with Continuous and Discrete Time Kudryavtseva, I. A.

61 5 p. 741-750
3 Concept of Controlling the Characteristics of Nanotubes by Processing a Catalyst Precursor for Their Synthesis Burakova, E. A.

61 5 p. 843-857
4 Diagrams of Optimal Control Functions in the Problem of the Fastest Platform Movement with Two Oscillators Kayumov, O. R.

61 5 p. 776-792
5 Game Control of a Random Jump Structure of an Object in Mixed Strategies Boldinov, V. A.

61 5 p. 715-723
6 Identification of the Parameters of a Discrete Gas-Lift Process Aliev, F. A.

61 5 p. 805-812
7 Multiagent Algorithms for Optimizing Bundles of Trajectories of Deterministic Systems with Incomplete Instant Feedback Karane, M. M. S.

61 5 p. 751-775
8 Operational-Optimal Finite-Dimensional Dynamic Controller of the Stochastic Differential Plant’s State According to Its Output: I. General Nonlinear Case Rudenko, E. A.

61 5 p. 724-740
9 Optimal Replacement of System Elements Using a Genetic Algorithm Kos, O. I.

61 5 p. 793-804
10 Plane-Parallel Motion of a Snake Robot in the Presence of Anisotropic Dry Friction and a Single Control Input Dosaev, M. Z.

61 5 p. 858-867
11 Programme-Sensitive Modifications of Generalized Net Model of Software-Intensive Production of Stereoscopic Multimedia Content Spasic, A. J.

61 5 p. 824-842
12 Some Modifications of Integer Optimization Problems with Uncertainty and Risk Gorskii, M. A.

61 5 p. 813-823
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland