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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Approaches to Solve the Problem of Determining the Moments of the Beginning and End of an Object’s Movement Using the Data of a Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Aviev, A. A.

61 3 p. 455-465
2 Approach to the Stability Analysis of Partial Equilibrium States of Nonlinear Discrete Systems Vorotnikov, V. I.

61 3 p. 348-359
3 Comprehensive Assessment of the Effectiveness of Navigation Satellite Systems Bolkunov, A. I.

61 3 p. 430-446
4 Construction of Rendezvous Trajectories in the Knowledge Bases of Onboard Operational-Advisory Expert Systems of the Flight Stage Galikhanov, S. K.

61 3 p. 395-406
5 Controlling the Motion of an Aerodynamic Pendulum with an Elastically Fixed Suspension Point Selyutskiy, Yu. D.

61 3 p. 322-331
6 Erratum to: Recognition of Geomagnetic Storm Based on Neural Network Model Estimates of Dst Indices Belov, A. V.

61 3 p. 466
7 Fault Identification in Nonlinear Systems Based on Sliding Mode Observers with Weakened Existence Conditions Zhirabok, A. N.

61 3 p. 313-321
8 Heterogeneous Flow Distribution at the Peak Load in the Multiuser NetworkK Malashenko, Yu. E.

61 3 p. 372-387
9 Information-Measuring System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Payload Control Yermolin, O. V.

61 3 p. 421-429
10 Intelligent System for Identifying Emotions on Audio Recordings Using Chalk Spectrograms Derevyagin, L. A.

61 3 p. 407-412
11 Optimization of the Structure of a Real-Time Multiprocessor System Furugyan, M. G.

61 3 p. 388-394
12 Prevention of Nonlinear Oscillations in System Based on Integral Controller Algorithm by the Nonlinear Correction Method Zaitceva, Yu. S.

61 3 p. 447-454
13 Quasi-Optimal Stabilization of Oscillatory Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom Voevodin, P. S.

61 3 p. 332-347
14 Simple Structures in Problems of Control Theory: Formalization and Synthesis Mozzhechkov, V. A.

61 3 p. 295-312
15 Synthesis of Fast Finite State Machines on Programmable Logic Integrated Circuits by Splitting Internal States Solov’ev, V. V.

61 3 p. 360-371
16 Updating the Biometric Template by Assessing the Quality of the Original Data Solomatin, I. A.

61 3 p. 413-420
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland