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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Artificial Muscles (Review Article) Aliseichik, A. P.

61 2 p. 270-293
2 Calibration of an Accelerometer Unit with Asymmetric Models of Readings of Sensors Golovan, A. A.

61 2 p. 240-252
3 Detecting Fakes in Mobile Face Recognition Systems Using a Stereo Camera Efimov, Yu. S.

61 2 p. 219-232
4 Frame-by-Frame Determination of Emotions in a Video Recording Using Multilayer Neural Networks Akhiyarov, F. R.

61 2 p. 213-218
5 Hypothetical Triangulation of Aerial and Ground Objects by a Group of Aircraft Shirokov, L. E.

61 2 p. 162-175
6 Investigation of Controllability for Some Dynamic Systems with Distributed Parameters Described by Integrodifferential Equations Romanov, I. V.

61 2 p. 191-194
7 Multicriteria Optimization of Induced Norms of Linear Operators: Primal and Dual Control and Filtering Problems Balandin, D. V.

61 2 p. 176-190
8 Optimizing the Planning of the Observation of a Catalog of Objects by a Mobile Observer, Taking the Implicated Limitations into Account Rulev, D. N.

61 2 p. 195-212
9 Overcoming Obstacles in the Form of a Stack of Rough Cylinders by an Insectomorphic Robot Golubev, Yu. F.

61 2 p. 253-269
10 Recognition of Human Movements From Video Data Kaprielova, M. S.

61 2 p. 233-239
11 Stabilization of a System of Unstable Pendulums: Discrete and Continuous Case Meleshenko, P. A.

61 2 p. 135-154
12 Stabilizing Oscillations of Coupled Conservative Systems Barabanov, I. N.

61 2 p. 155-161
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland