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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adult lactose intolerance, calcium intake, bone metabolism and bone density in German-Turkish immigrants Klemm, Philipp

38 3 p. 378-384
2 Bazedoxifene improves renal function and increases renal phosphate excretion in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis Masaki, Hideki

38 3 p. 405-411
3 Budget impact analysis of osteoporosis medications for primary prevention of fractures in Taiwan Wu, Kun-Ling

38 3 p. 316-327
4 Coding and prescription rates of osteoporosis are low among distal radius fracture patients in Japan Saka, Natsumi

38 3 p. 363-370
5 Correction to: Warfarin calcifies human aortic valve interstitial cells at high-phosphate conditions via pregnane X receptor Yu, Zaiqiang

38 3 p. 418-419
6 Design of a randomized trial of teriparatide followed by alendronate: Japanese Osteoporosis Intervention Trial-05 (JOINT-05) Tanaka, Shiro

38 3 p. 412-417
7 Effects of whole-body vibration and high impact exercises on the bone metabolism and functional mobility in postmenopausal women Sen, Ekin Ilke

38 3 p. 392-404
8 18F-NaF-PET/CT in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and brown tumors Graf, Carmen

38 3 p. 299-309
9 Fragility fractures and delayed wound healing after tooth extraction in Japanese older adults Taguchi, Akira

38 3 p. 357-362
10 Growth pattern of lumbar bone mineral content and trunk muscles in adolescent male soccer players Takei, Seira

38 3 p. 338-345
11 Influence of sarcopenia on bone health parameters in a group of eumenorrheic obese premenopausal women Hammoud, Emneh

38 3 p. 385-391
12 Intra-articular injection of hUC-MSCs expressing miR-140-5p induces cartilage self-repairing in the rat osteoarthritis Geng, Yiyun

38 3 p. 277-288
13 Mineralization of cortical bone during maturation and growth in rabbits Törnquist, Elin

38 3 p. 289-298
14 MiR-203 regulates estrogen receptor α and cartilage degradation in IL-1β-stimulated chondrocytes Guo, Yusong

38 3 p. 346-356
15 Relationship between P1NP, a biochemical marker of bone turnover, and bone mineral density in patients transitioned from alendronate to romosozumab or teriparatide: a post hoc analysis of the STRUCTURE trial Takada, Junichi

38 3 p. 310-315
16 Time to benefit and the long-term persistence of new users of oral bisphosphonates Friesen, Kevin J.

38 3 p. 371-377
17 Unaffected bone mineral density in Danish children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes Madsen, Jens Otto Broby

38 3 p. 328-337
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland