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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Association between PM10 pollution and the hospitalization of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with comorbidity: evidence in 17 cities of Henan, Central China Duan, Yanran

68 4 p. 625-635
2 Associations between violent crime inside and outside, air temperature, urban heat island magnitude and urban green space Stevens, Heather R.

68 4 p. 661-673
3 Climate warming worsens thermal resource utilization for practical rice cultivation in China Zhang, Lei

68 4 p. 613-624
4 Decadal-scale variability and warming affect spring timing and forest growth across the western Great Lakes region McPartland, Mara Y.

68 4 p. 701-717
5 Effect of short-term exposure to high-altitude hypoxic climate on feed-intake, blood glucose level and physiological responses of native and non-native goat Kumar, Prabhat

68 4 p. 795-806
6 Exploring the vulnerability of the coastal wetlands of India to the changing climate and their adaptation strategies Debnath, Sanjeet

68 4 p. 749-760
7 Geomagnetic activity affects animal myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury: an experimental-simulated study Chang, Weiyu

68 4 p. 731-742
8 High-resolution projections of outdoor thermal stress in the twenty-first century: a Tasmanian case study Weeding, Ben

68 4 p. 777-793
9 Increasing radial growth in old-growth high-elevation conifers in Southern California, USA, during the exceptional “hot drought” of 2000–2020 Knapp, Paul A.

68 4 p. 743-748
10 Interaction between air pollutants and meteorological factors on pulmonary tuberculosis in northwest China: A case study of eight districts in Urumqi Nie, Yanwu

68 4 p. 691-700
11 Monitoring soil moisture in winter wheat with crop water stress index based on canopy-air temperature time lag effect Zhang, Qiuyu

68 4 p. 647-659
12 Overnight heat in sleep spaces of housed and unhoused residents: results and recommendations from a Knoxville, Tennessee, case study Ellis, Kelsey N.

68 4 p. 637-646
13 Spatial variability in herbaceous plant phenology is mostly explained by variability in temperature but also by photoperiod and functional traits Rauschkolb, Robert

68 4 p. 761-775
14 The impact of wind speed measurement method on MRT and PET values in limited air flow conditions on warm, sunny days Lindner-Cendrowska, Katarzyna

68 4 p. 807-810
15 The interior climate and its microclimatic variation of temperate forests in Northern Patagonia, Argentina Simon, Alois

68 4 p. 719-730
16 The thermal comfort of pedestrians in a humid subtropical climate according to different thermal perception ratings da Silva Dávila, Juliane

68 4 p. 675-690
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland