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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Apparent flow-dimension approach to the study of heterogeneous fracture network systems Sharma, Kunwar Mrityunjai

31 4 p. 873-891
2 Applying a science-forward approach to groundwater regulatory design Curran, Deborah

31 4 p. 853-871
3 Aquifer parameter estimation using tide-induced water-table fluctuations in the Biscayne Aquifer, Miami-Dade County, Florida (USA) Rogers, Martina

31 4 p. 1031-1049
4 Climate and irrigation scenario analyses using three-dimensional numerical modelling: a case study of the Nasia sub-basin in the White Volta Basin, Ghana Addai Obeng, Millicent

31 4 p. 1101-1119
5 Effects of flow dimension in faulted or fractured rock on natural reductions of inflow during excavation: a case study of the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory site, Japan Ishii, Eiichi

31 4 p. 893-911
6 Hydrogeochemical evolution of the shallow and deep basaltic aquifers in Tamborine Mountain, Queensland (Australia) Catania, Sabrina T.

31 4 p. 1083-1100
7 Joint inversion of groundwater flow, heat, and solute state variables: a multipurpose approach for characterization and forecast of karst systems Kavousi, Alireza

31 4 p. 1005-1030
8 Non-Darcian effect on a sinusoidal pumping test in a leaky confined aquifer Li, Yabing

31 4 p. 931-946
9 Numerical evaluation of the suitability of the equivalent porous medium model for characterizing the two-dimensional flow field in a fractured geologic medium Ma, Lei

31 4 p. 913-930
10 Predicting the risk of saltwater contamination of freshwater aquifers during aquifer thermal energy storage Regnier, G.

31 4 p. 1067-1082
11 Quantifying stream-loss recovery in a spring using dual-tracer injections in the Snake Creek drainage, Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA Humphrey, C. Eric

31 4 p. 1051-1066
12 Spatiotemporal analysis of groundwater storage variations based on extreme-point symmetric mode decomposition and independent component analysis in Murray-Darling Basin, Australia Wei, Changshou

31 4 p. 967-983
13 Study on the hydraulic parameter differences between pumping and recharge in a confined aquifer of a soft soil area Zheng, Gang

31 4 p. 947-965
14 Upscaling equivalent hydrofacies simulation based on borehole data generalization and transition probability geostatistics Ma, Lei

31 4 p. 985-1004
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland