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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of the optimum configuration for the capillary rise and the permeability of the fiber wick structure for heat removal in heat pipes Maneemuang, Suttida

57 9 p. 1513-1526
2 CFD investigation of fouling mechanisms in the crude oil preheat network Kerraoui, Imen

57 9 p. 1411-1424
3 Coriolis and buoyancy effects on heat transfer in viewpoint of field synergy principle and secondary flow intensity for maximization of internal cooling Hosseinalipour, Seyed Mostafa

57 9 p. 1467-1483
4 Correction to: investigation on the mitigation of environmental harmful emissions by incorporating nanoparticles to biofuel water nano emulsion in low heat rejection engine Elumalai, P. V.

57 9 p. 1559
5 Correction to: thermal conductivity of porous sintered metal powder and the Langmuir shape factor Ibrahim, Osama M.

57 9 p. 1561-1563
6 Experimental and theoretical investigation of transparent sand composing of fused quartz and calcium bromide solution Zhang, Xinrui

57 9 p. 1379-1393
7 Experimental investigation of the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of water and nanofluids in a horizontal metal foam tube Azizifar, Shahram

57 9 p. 1499-1511
8 Experimental study on heat transfer in soil during heat storage and release processes Zhu, Feiyu

57 9 p. 1485-1497
9 Experimental study on laminar air flow through spiral channel packed with steel balls Gökaslan, Mustafa Yasin

57 9 p. 1453-1465
10 Investigation of the effects of miscible and immiscible binary fluids on thermal performance of pulsating heat pipes Markal, Burak

57 9 p. 1527-1542
11 Modeling mass transfer in brine salting of chickpea Costa, Rui

57 9 p. 1439-1452
12 Multi-objective numerical optimum design of natural convection in different configurations of concentric horizontal annular pipes using different nanofluids Al-damook, Amer

57 9 p. 1543-1557
13 Parametric effect of diverging perforated cones on the thermo-hydraulic performance of a heat exchanger tube Srivastava, Gaurav Prakash

57 9 p. 1425-1437
14 Utilizing RSM for experimental modeling of mass transfer coefficients in a perforated rotating disc contactor (PRDC) Hemmati, Alireza

57 9 p. 1395-1410
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland