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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A New Apparatus for Testing Shear-Slip Properties of Rock Joint Subjected to Dynamic Disturbance Yuan, W.

64 5 p. 745-759
2 An Exploration of Grain-Averaged Stress Measurement Using Partial Unloads with In situ Microscopic Image Correlation Türkoğlu, O.

64 5 p. 655-674
3 An In-Situ Investigation of the Strain Partitioning and Failure Across the Layers in a Multi-Layered Steel Singh, M.

64 5 p. 703-727
4 Damage Detection and Quantification via Multiview DIC at Varying Scales Hamadouche, I.

64 5 p. 675-689
5 Data-Driven Accelerated Parameter Identification for Chaboche-Type Visco-Plastic Material Models to Describe the Relaxation Behavior of Copper Alloys Morand, L.

64 5 p. 691-702
6 Dynamic Biaxial Compression Tests Using 4 Symmetric Input Hopkinson Bars Quillery, P.

64 5 p. 729-743
7 Influence of Additional Strut Elements in 3D Re-Entrant Auxetic Unit Cells on the Damage and Energy Absorption Properties Kaya, A. C.

64 5 p. 639-653
8 In-Situ Characterization on Fracture Toughness of Thermal Barrier Coatings Under Tension by J-Integral with Digital Image Correlation at High Temperatures Bai, H.

64 5 p. 761-782
9 Numerical Modelling of an Aneurysm Mechanical Characterisation Device: Validation Procedure Based on FEA-DIC Comparisons Raviol, J.

64 5 p. 625-638
10 On the Cover: An In-Situ Investigation of the Strain Partitioning and Failure Across the Layers in a Multi-Layered Steel
64 5 p. 593
11 Sensitivity Study Using Synthetic 3D Image Datasets to Investigate the Effect of Noise Artefacts on Digital Volume Correlation Paraskevoulakos, C.

64 5 p. 595-624
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland