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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Label-Free Measurement Method for Plane Stress States in Optical Isotropic Films with Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Sun, X.

64 3 p. 341-352
2 A New Brazilian Disc Test Procedure for the Elastic Moduli of Orthotropic C/C-SiC Composites Padan, R.

64 3 p. 325-339
3 Determination of Young’s Modulus of PET Sheets from Lamb Wave Velocity Measurement Lu, H.

64 3 p. 377-391
4 Development of an Automated Experimental System for Thermomechanical and Electrical Characterization of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys Rodinò, S.

64 3 p. 425-440
5 Layer Jamming of Magnetorheological Elastomers for Variable Stiffness in Soft Robots Atakuru, T.

64 3 p. 393-404
6 Non-Associated Flow Rule Constitutive Modeling Considering Anisotropic Hardening for the Forming Analysis of Orthotropic Sheet Metal Zhang, Y.

64 3 p. 305-323
7 On the Cover: Unique Identification of Stiffness Parameters in Hyperelastic Models for Anisotropic, Deformable, Thin Materials Based on a Single Experiment - A Feasibility Study Based on Virtual Full-Field Data
64 3 p. 293
8 Path-Integrated Stereo X-Ray Digital Image Correlation: Resolving the Violation of Conservation of Intensity Jones, EMC

64 3 p. 405-423
9 Residual Stress Determination of Cast Aluminium Benchmark Components Using Strain Relief Techniques Cai, Z.

64 3 p. 441-452
10 Review: High Speed Temperature Measurements Under Dynamic Loading Goviazin, G. G.

64 3 p. 295-304
11 Unique Identification of Stiffness Parameters in Hyperelastic Models for Anisotropic, Deformable, Thin Materials Based on a Single Experiment - A Feasibility Study Based on Virtual Full-Field Data Makhool, L.

64 3 p. 353-375
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland