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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Novel Approach for the Determination of Surface Tilt Angles in Two-Dimensional Digital Image Correlation Experiments Hijazi, A. L.

60 3 p. 267-282
2 Correction to: A Novel Approach for the Determination of Surface Tilt Angles in Two-Dimensional Digital Image Correlation Experiments Hijazi, A. L.

60 3 p. 425
3 3D Detection and Quantitative Characterization of Cracks in a Ceramic Matrix Composite Tube Using X-Ray Computed Tomography Chen, Y.

60 3 p. 409-424
4 Effects of Plasticity on Patched and Unpatched Center Crack Tension Specimens Hart, D.C.

60 3 p. 345-357
5 High Speed In Situ Synchrotron Observation of Cyclic Deformation and Phase Transformation of Superelastic Nitinol at Ultrasonic Frequency Fitzka, M.

60 3 p. 317-328
6 In-situ Full Field Out of Plane Displacement and Strain Measurements at the Micro-Scale in Single Reinforcement Composites under Transverse Load Tabiai, I.

60 3 p. 359-377
7 Microelectromechanical Systems for Nanomechanical Testing: Electrostatic Actuation and Capacitive Sensing for High-Strain-Rate Testing Li, C.

60 3 p. 329-343
8 Mirror-assisted Multi-view Digital Image Correlation with Improved Spatial Resolution Chen, B.

60 3 p. 283-293
9 On the Cover of this Issue: Mirror-Assisted Multi-View Digital Image Correlation with Improved Spatial Resolution by B. Chen, J. Zhao and B. Pan
60 3 p. 265
10 Study of Crack Interaction Effects Under Thermal Loading by Digital Photoelasticity and Finite Elements Vivekanandan, A.

60 3 p. 295-316
11 Surface Pressure Reconstruction from Phase Averaged Deflectometry Measurements Using the Virtual Fields Method Kaufmann, R.

60 3 p. 379-392
12 Towards Criteria Characterizing the Metrological Performance of Full-field Measurement Techniques Blaysat, B.

60 3 p. 393-407
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland