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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Changes in ectomycorrhizal and saprophytic fungal communities during a secondary succession of temperate forests Wang, Qinggui

142 6 p. 1313-1323
2 Correction: Does Chinese forestry eco-efficiency converge? A three-stage DEA-Malmquist approach Chen, Yufeng

142 6 p. 1279-1280
3 Correction: Vertical variations in wood basic density for two softwood species Billard, Antoine

142 6 p. 1479
4 Deadwoods are hotspots for soil functions in old-growth beech forests: monitoring during 15 years after a windthrow event Kooch, Yahya

142 6 p. 1401-1421
5 Diversification of coniferous monocultures in the last 30 years and implications for forest restoration: a case study from temperate lower montane forests in Central Europe Seliger, Alexander

142 6 p. 1353-1368
6 Does Chinese forestry eco-efficiency converge? A three-stage DEA-Malmquist approach Chen, Yufeng

142 6 p. 1259-1277
7 Frost hardiness of Finnish plus tree progenies of Scots pine from seed orchards in Finland and Ukraine Wu, Dongxia

142 6 p. 1467-1477
8 Genetic diversity, population structure and a core collection establishment of Pinus yunnanensis using microsatellite markers Miao, Yingchun

142 6 p. 1439-1451
9 Impact of native tree species introduction on soil nutrient and bacterial community in Eucalyptus plantations Wang, Zhong

142 6 p. 1369-1383
10 Predicting aboveground biomass yield for moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) plantations based on the diameter distribution model Yen, Tian-Ming

142 6 p. 1341-1351
11 Resin yield response to different tapping methods and stimulant pastes in Pinus pinaster Ait López-Álvarez, Óscar

142 6 p. 1281-1292
12 Role of black pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold) in European forests modified by climate change Vacek, Zdeněk

142 6 p. 1239-1258
13 Scale elasticity and technical efficiency analysis in the European forest sector: a stochastic value-based approach Amirteimoori, Alireza

142 6 p. 1293-1311
14 Soil properties variation in a small-scale altitudinal gradient of an evergreen foothills forest, Ecuadorian Amazon region Bravo-Medina, Carlos

142 6 p. 1325-1339
15 Stemflow infiltration hotspots near-tree stems along a soil depth gradient in a mixed oak–beech forest Hemr, Ondřej

142 6 p. 1385-1400
16 Tree growth rate under urban limiting conditions Muscas, Desirée

142 6 p. 1423-1437
17 Variation of deadwood density by decay class in pure and mixed Oriental spruce stands in Northeastern Black Sea Özdemir, Salih

142 6 p. 1453-1466
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland