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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute and daily effects of repeated voluntary hyperpnea on pulmonary function in healthy adults Towers, Eden

120 3 p. 625-633
2 β2 adrenergic interaction and cardiac autonomic function: effects of aerobic training in overweight/obese individuals Rodrigues, Jhennyfer Aline Lima

120 3 p. 613-624
3 Alterations in energy system contribution following upper body sprint interval training La Monica, Michael B.

120 3 p. 643-651
4 Biological variation of arginine vasopressin Sollanek, Kurt J.

120 3 p. 635-642
5 Comfortable walking speed and energy cost of locomotion in patients with multiple sclerosis Buoite Stella, Alex

120 3 p. 551-566
6 Effect of seat tube angle and crank arm length on metabolic and neuromuscular responses and lower extremity joint kinematics during pedaling with a relatively lower seat height Watanabe, Kohei

120 3 p. 697-706
7 Intermittent not continuous hypoxia provoked haematological adaptations in healthy seniors: hypoxic pattern may hold the key Tobin, Barbara

120 3 p. 707-718
8 Lunge exercises with blood-flow restriction induces post-activation potentiation and improves vertical jump performance Doma, Kenji

120 3 p. 687-695
9 Plantar flexor muscle-tendon unit length and stiffness do not influence neuromuscular fatigue in boys and men Piponnier, Enzo

120 3 p. 653-664
10 Progressions of core stabilization exercises based on postural control challenge assessment Vera-Garcia, Francisco J.

120 3 p. 567-577
11 Reliability and validity of methods in the assessment of cold-induced shivering thermogenesis Arnold, Josh T.

120 3 p. 591-601
12 The association of HFE gene H63D polymorphism with endurance athlete status and aerobic capacity: novel findings and a meta-analysis Semenova, Ekaterina A.

120 3 p. 665-673
13 The impact of acute remote ischaemic preconditioning on cerebrovascular function Carter, Howard H.

120 3 p. 603-612
14 UBC-Nepal expedition: dynamic cerebral autoregulation is attenuated in lowlanders upon ascent to 5050 m Tymko, Michael M.

120 3 p. 675-686
15 Ultrasound speckle tracking of Achilles tendon in individuals with unilateral tendinopathy: a pilot study Couppé, Christian

120 3 p. 579-589
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland