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                             37 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aloe vera Treatments Extend the Postharvest Life of Table Grapes by Delaying Weight Loss, Berry Softening, Rachis Browning, and Biochemical Changes Unal, Sevil

64 Suppl 1 p. 767-775
2 An Alternative Sucker Management Method in Hazelnut: Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer Solution Serdar, Ümit

64 Suppl 1 p. 237-244
3 Analysis of Genetic Relationships of Mulberry (Morus L.) Genotypes Using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) Markers Keskin, Salih

64 Suppl 1 p. 75-83
4 A research on Non-Destructive Leaf Area Estimation Modeling for some Apple Cultivars Boyacı, Selma

64 Suppl 1 p. 1-7
5 Biological Control of Penicillium on Lemon Fruits by Essential Oils of Satureja Species Kordali, Saban

64 Suppl 1 p. 703-715
6 Combined Effects of Pruning and Crop Removal Levels on Yield, Quality, and Physiological Properties in ‘Merlot’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ Grapevines Soltekin, Oğuzhan

64 Suppl 1 p. 129-140
7 Comparing Physical and Biochemical Properties of Dried and Fresh Kernels of Persian Walnut Pakrah, Susan

64 Suppl 1 p. 455-462
8 Comprehensive evaluation of the Fruit Quality of the Main Cultivars of Pear (Pyrus spp.) in North China Zheng, Pufan

64 Suppl 1 p. 219-227
9 Determination of Biochemical Characteristics, Antioxidant Activities, and Individual Phenolic Compounds of 13 Native Turkish Grape Juices Guler, Ali

64 Suppl 1 p. 25-35
10 Determination of Energy-Economic Balance and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Gökduman, Mehmet Emin

64 Suppl 1 p. 759-766
11 Determination of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions of Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) Production in Turkey (A Case Study in Adıyaman Province) Baran, Mehmet Fırat

64 Suppl 1 p. 499-505
12 Determination of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Production in Adıyaman Province Gökdoğan, Osman

64 Suppl 1 p. 291-297
13 Determination of Graft Compatibility of Pear Cultivars Grafted on Different Rootstocks by Carbohydrate Analyses Çoban, Nermin

64 Suppl 1 p. 229-235
14 Determination of the Tolerance of Fox Grapes (Vitis labrusca L.) to Drought Stress by PEG Application in Vitro Bilir Ekbic, Hatice

64 Suppl 1 p. 87-94
15 Effect of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) Applications on Pre-Harvest Drop and Fruit Quality of ‘Red Delicious, Red Chief’ Apple Cultivar Boyacı, Selma

64 Suppl 1 p. 395-400
16 Effect of Salicylic Acid on Changes in Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme Activity, Protein, Proline, and Some Photosynthetic Pigments in Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Bidane Ghermez and Bidane Sefid Cultivars at Two Growth Stages Nazari, Fatemeh

64 Suppl 1 p. 37-45
17 Effects of Preharvest Application of Chemical Compounds on Pear (Pyrus communis cv. ‘Shekari’) Fruit Traits Sayyad-Amin, Pegah

64 Suppl 1 p. 657-662
18 Energy and Economic Efficiency of Kiwi Fruit Production in Turkey: A Case Study from Mersin Province Gökdoğan, Osman

64 Suppl 1 p. 55-60
19 Energy Balance and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions of Organic Fig (Ficus carica L.) Production in Turkey Oğuz, Halil Ibrahim

64 Suppl 1 p. 61-67
20 Energy Input–Output Analysis of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Production in Turkey Uzun, Tuba

64 Suppl 1 p. 95-102
21 Energy Use Efficiency of Grape Production in Vineyard Areas of Nevşehir Province in Turkey Şimşek, Evrim

64 Suppl 1 p. 113-118
22 Evaluation of Elite Accessions of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa for Commercial Yield and Quality Parameters Under Indian Conditions Saran, Parmeshwar Lal

64 Suppl 1 p. 345-356
23 Forecasting Apple Production in Turkey Eyduran, Sadiye Peral

64 Suppl 1 p. 9-14
24 Genetic Characterization and Conservation of Grapevine Germplasms in Kayseri Province of Turkey Yılmaz, Gülşen

64 Suppl 1 p. 55-63
25 Have the Flowers, Fruitlets, Ripe Fruit and Leaves of Apples Cultivars Similar Compositions of Phenolic and Antioxidant Capacity? Yuri, José A.

64 Suppl 1 p. 201-209
26 Maturity Stages and MAP Affect the Quality Attributes and Bioactive Compounds of Cornelian Cherry Fruit (Cornus mas L.) During Cold Storage Yarılgaç, Tarık

64 Suppl 1 p. 27-35
27 Natürliche Mechanismen der Unkrautunterdrückung in ‚Elstar‘-Apfelanlagen Engel, Antonia

64 Suppl 1 p. 15-26
28 Optimizing Tissue Culture Protocol for In Vitro Shoot and Root Development and Acclimatization of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Plantlets Solangi, Najamuddin

64 Suppl 1 p. 97-106
29 Phenotypical and Pomological Characterization of Non-irrigated Almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) Trees to Select Superior Genotypes Heidari, Parviz

64 Suppl 1 p. 333-343
30 Phytochemical Variation of Native Apple Germplasm Resources from the Eastern Black Sea Region, Turkey Balta, Mehmet Fikret

64 Suppl 1 p. 685-695
31 Pistachio Production Management in Iran by Rest-breaking Treatment and Comparison of Dynamic vs Chill Hour Model for Chill Accumulation Mahmoudi Meimand, M. J.

64 Suppl 1 p. 271-281
32 Proline and Algal Extract to Alleviate the Abiotic Stress in Mango ‘Tommy Atkins’ in the Tropical Semiarid da Cunha, Jenilton Gomes

64 Suppl 1 p. 115-126
33 Regeneration of Plants from Alginate-encapsulated Shoot Tips of Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) Dönmez, Dicle

64 Suppl 1 p. 307-314
34 Sugar, Acid and Phenols in Fruit of the Sharka-Tolerant Autochthonous Plum Genotype ‘Mrkosljiva’ Drkenda, Pakeza

64 Suppl 1 p. 569-580
35 The Effect of Total Anthocyanins Extracted From Sweet Cherry Cultivars on Carbonic Anhydrases and Antioxidant Activity Sonmez, Fatih

64 Suppl 1 p. 145-153
36 The Effect of Vermicompost Application on Soil Properties in Olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Memecik) Plant Bellitürk, Korkmaz

64 Suppl 1 p. 107-113
37 The Effects of Putrescine and Salicylic Acid on Postharvest Traits of Pear (Pyrus communis L. ‘Williams’) Sayyad-Amin, Pegah

64 Suppl 1 p. 753-757
                             37 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland