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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Apple Sunburn Risk Detection—A Simple Model for Agricultural Decision Making and Some Fruit Temperature Measurements Wittich, Klaus-Peter

63 Suppl 1 p. 25-36
2 Can Early-Period Fruit Analysis be Performed for Timely Interventions Against Physiological Disorders In Apple Trees? Uçgun, Kadir

63 Suppl 1 p. 381-385
3 Characterization of Some Fruit Quality Traits on Apple ‘Kaşel-41’ × ‘Williams Pride’ F1 Population Ürek, Ümit

63 Suppl 1 p. 293-302
4 Composting of Apple Scab (Venturia inaequalis) Infected Leaves with Dairy Manure Ekinci, Kamil

63 Suppl 1 p. 263-271
5 Determination of Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Common Hawthorn (Crataegus Monogyna Jacq. Var. Monogyna) Yalçın Dokumacı, Keziban

63 Suppl 1 p. 99-106
6 Effect of Mode of Pollination on Fruit Set and Fruit Characteristics in Litchi Lal, Narayan

63 Suppl 1 p. 227-232
7 Effects of Bacterial Inoculated Tuff Material on Yield and Physiological Parameters of Grape (Vitis vinifera) Plant Güneş, Adem

63 Suppl 1 p. 43-51
8 Effects of Vermicompost and Liquid Biogas Fertilizer Application on Plant Nutrition of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Koç, Burcu

63 Suppl 1 p. 89-100
9 Energy Input-Output Analysis of Apple Production in Turkey: Dilay, Yusuf

63 Suppl 1 p. 375-380
10 Energy Use Efficiency of Mandarin Production: A Case Study from Adana Province Bilgili, Mehmet Emin

63 Suppl 1 p. 61-64
11 Exogenous EBL (24-Epibrassinolide) Alleviate Cold Damage in Strawberry Balcı, Gülden

63 Suppl 1 p. 273-278
12 Fungicide Resistance in Botrytis in Danish Strawberry Production Nielsen, Bent J.

63 Suppl 1 p. 1-6
13 Influence of Deficit Irrigation on (V. vinifera L.) cv. Fantasy Seedless Under Mediterranean Climate: Physiological Responses, Growth, Yield and Quality Soltekin, Oğuzhan

63 Suppl 1 p. 101-113
14 Less Known Fruit Specie, Rosa Villosa L.: Phenotypic and Biochemical Content Kan, Tuncay

63 Suppl 1 p. 417-423
15 Mineral Content of Pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus and Hylocereus undatus) Seeds Grown in Turkey Nizamlıoğlu, Nizam Mustafa

63 Suppl 1 p. 209-213
16 Nutritional and Bioactive Compounds in Dried Sea-Buckthorn Pomace Nour, Violeta

63 Suppl 1 p. 91-98
17 Obstbau-Boom in Russland dank staatlicher Förderung, Gesundheitstrend und Umstrukturierung der Obstbauforschung Blanke, M.

63 Suppl 1 p. 37-45
18 Phenolic Compounds of Some Wild Edible Fruits Growing in Turkey Doğu, Süleyman

63 Suppl 1 p. 81-84
19 Physicochemical Characteristic of The Organic Raisins Served to Markets in Midyat Town of Mardin Province and Beşiri Town of Batman Province in Turkey Uzun, Tuba

63 Suppl 1 p. 61-69
20 Quality Response of Minimally Processed ‘Alphonse Lavallée’ Table Grapes During Cold Storage as Influenced by Preharvest Sustained Deficit Irrigation and Postharvest UV-C Irradiation Sabir, Ferhan

63 Suppl 1 p. 141-148
21 Seasonal Variations in Mineral Nutrients in Leaves of ‘Nova’ and ‘Robinson’ Mandarins Budded on Different Rootstocks Yildiz, Ercan

63 Suppl 1 p. 53-60
22 The Effects of Different Planting Densities and Pruning Methods on Changes of Endogenous Hormone Levels in Shoot Tips and Flowering in ‘Gemlik’ Olive Cultivar Atmaca, Sabriye

63 Suppl 1 p. 201-207
23 The Effects of Self-incompatibility Control Substances On Yield and Fruit Growth Traits of Pear Pyrus communis L. Cultivar ‘Williams’ Sayyad-Amin, Pegah

63 Suppl 1 p. 117-123
24 Thin Layer Peach Drying in Solar Tunnel Drier Karaaslan, Sevil

63 Suppl 1 p. 65-73
25 Vermehrung von Birnenbäumen der Sorte ‘Uta’ als Grünsteckling und Anbauverhalten im Vergleich zu Wurzelechten aus in vitro Vermehrung und auf zwei Unterlagen veredelten Bäumen unter biologischen Anbaubedingungen in Ostösterreich Spornberger, Andreas

63 Suppl 1 p. 125-133
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland