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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Apple Sunburn Risk Detection—A Simple Model for Agricultural Decision Making and Some Fruit Temperature Measurements Wittich, Klaus-Peter

63 1 p. 25-36
2 A Profitability Analysis of Investment of Apricot Growing in Turkey Ucar, Kubilay

63 1 p. 75-80
3 Comparison of Some Morphological and Physiological Characters of Apple Scab Pathogen (Venturia inaequalis) in Two Different Agricultural Ecology of Turkey Kavak, Hamit

63 1 p. 47-52
4 Determination of Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Common Hawthorn (Crataegus Monogyna Jacq. Var. Monogyna) Yalçın Dokumacı, Keziban

63 1 p. 99-106
5 Effects of Chitosan Coating with Putrescine on Bioactive Compounds and Quality of Strawberry cv. San Andreas During Cold Storage Bal, Erdinç

63 1 p. 7-14
6 Energy Use Efficiency of Mandarin Production: A Case Study from Adana Province Bilgili, Mehmet Emin

63 1 p. 61-64
7 Erratum to: Some Biological Effects of the Fruits and Leaves of Different Apple Cultivars, Including Red-Fleshed Apples, Grown in a Microclimatic Region of Turkey: Part I Erbil, Nurcan

63 1 p. 115
8 Fungicide Resistance in Botrytis in Danish Strawberry Production Nielsen, Bent J.

63 1 p. 1-6
9 Influence of Foliar Application with Gibberellic Acid on Phenolic and Bioactive Compounds of Strawberry Fruits Gundogdu, Muttalip

63 1 p. 15-23
10 Nutritional and Bioactive Compounds in Dried Sea-Buckthorn Pomace Nour, Violeta

63 1 p. 91-98
11 Obstbau-Boom in Russland dank staatlicher Förderung, Gesundheitstrend und Umstrukturierung der Obstbauforschung Blanke, M.

63 1 p. 37-45
12 Phenolic Compounds of Some Wild Edible Fruits Growing in Turkey Doğu, Süleyman

63 1 p. 81-84
13 Quantification of Fatty Acid, Tocopherol and Sterol Contents in Capparis spp. Seed Oils Matthäus, Bertrand

63 1 p. 85-89
14 Seasonal Variations in Mineral Nutrients in Leaves of ‘Nova’ and ‘Robinson’ Mandarins Budded on Different Rootstocks Yildiz, Ercan

63 1 p. 53-60
15 The Effects of Different Micronutrient Fertilizers on cv. Tombul Hazelnut Yield and Certain Nut Properties Horuz, Ayhan

63 1 p. 107-114
16 Thin Layer Peach Drying in Solar Tunnel Drier Karaaslan, Sevil

63 1 p. 65-73
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland