nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
A closed advancing-layer method with connectivity optimization-based mesh movement for viscous mesh generation
Alauzet, Frédéric |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 545-560 |
artikel |
2 |
AHF: array-based half-facet data structure for mixed-dimensional and non-manifold meshes
Dyedov, Vladimir |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 389-404 |
artikel |
3 |
Automatic domain partitioning for quadrilateral meshing with line constraints
Kowalski, Nicolas |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 405-421 |
artikel |
4 |
Comparative study on influencing factors in adaptive metamodeling
Yang, Qinwen |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 561-577 |
artikel |
5 |
Comparison of mapping operators for unstructured meshes
Arabi, Sina |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 579-595 |
artikel |
6 |
Distortion and quality measures for validating and generating high-order tetrahedral meshes
Gargallo-Peiró, Abel |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 423-437 |
artikel |
7 |
4D space–time Delaunay meshing for medical images
Foteinos, Panagiotis |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 499-511 |
artikel |
8 |
Evaluation of grid-based hex meshes for solid mechanics
Owen, Steven J. |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 529-543 |
artikel |
9 |
GPU/CPU parallel computation of material damage
Shen, Jie |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 647-660 |
artikel |
10 |
Idealized models for FEA derived from generative modeling processes based on extrusion primitives
Boussuge, Flavien |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 513-527 |
artikel |
11 |
Managing dependencies in mechatronic design: a case study on dependency management between mechanical design and system design
Qamar, Ahsan |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 631-646 |
artikel |
12 |
MOSS: multiple orthogonal strand system
Haimes, Robert |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 453-463 |
artikel |
13 |
One-to-one sweeping based on harmonic S-T mappings of facet meshes and their cages
Cai, Shengyong |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 439-452 |
artikel |
14 |
Sarrate, J. |
2015 |
31 |
3 |
p. 387 |
artikel |
15 |
Size-preserving size functions and smoothing procedures for adaptive quadrilateral mesh generation
Ruiz-Gironés, E. |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 483-498 |
artikel |
16 |
Untangling polygonal and polyhedral meshes via mesh optimization
Kim, Jibum |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 617-629 |
artikel |
17 |
Using mesh-geometry relationships to transfer analysis models between CAE tools
Tierney, Christopher |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 465-481 |
artikel |
18 |
Variable threshold-based hierarchical load balancing technique in Grid
Rathore, Neeraj |
2014 |
31 |
3 |
p. 597-615 |
artikel |