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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Alloys Based on the Cd3As2 Dirac Semimetal Doped with Mn Atoms in Different Concentrations Kulatov, E. T.

68 9 p. 291-297
2 Influence of the Direction of Sources on the Phase Invariants of Vector–Scalar Fields in a Shallow Sea Kuznetsov, G. N.

68 9 p. 284-290
3 Ponderomotive Forces in the Interaction of a Charged Particle with an Inhomogeneous Electromagnetic Wave Lapshin, V. B.

68 9 p. 298-301
4 Specific Features of Electron Runaway in a Gas Gap with a Conical Cathode Zubarev, N. M.

68 9 p. 279-283
5 Synthesis of the Diamond‒SiO2Composites with the Properties of Photonic Crystals in the Visible Spectral Range Sovyk, D. N.

68 9 p. 302-305
6 The Role of the Coupling Coefficient in the Dynamic Problem of Thermoelasticity with Localized Inclusions Morozov, N. F.

68 9 p. 306-310
7 Vector S-Parametric Analysis of Signal Phase Dynamic Radio Images Shadinov, S. S.

68 9 p. 311-318
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland