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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Permeable Plate in a Supersonic Flow with a Positive Pressure Gradient under Foreign Gas Injection Leontiev, A. I.

68 6 p. 199-203
2 Critical Conditions of Self-Ignition at Bifurcation Points Philippov, A. A.

68 6 p. 186-189
3 Dynamic Model of the Separation of Large-Sized Elastic Structures Bakulin, V. N.

68 6 p. 190-194
4 Forced Longitudinal Oscillations of Gas and Aerosol in an Open Tube with a Cross-Sectional Jump Gubaidullin, D. A.

68 6 p. 195-198
5 Nonlinear Phenomena During the Propagation of Powerful Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulses in Large-Scale Strip Lines in Gas at Low Pressure Korobkov, S. V.

68 6 p. 181-185
6 Probabilistic Model of the Scattering of Ultrashort Pulses on a Free Electron Bugaev, A. S.

68 6 p. 177-180
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland