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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Determination of the Electro-Optical Coefficients of Barium Titanate Shirokov, V. B.

68 5 p. 159-163
2 Detonation of a Combustible Gas Mixture upon the Interaction of a Shock Wave with an Ellipsoidal Inert Gas Bubble Georgievskiy, P. Yu.

68 5 p. 164-170
3 Impact of the Wavefront on a Nonlinear Wave in a Dissipative Medium Bazylenko, V. A.

68 5 p. 141-143
4 Influence of a Uniform Magnetic Field on the Generation of Strong Small-Scale Magnetic Fields during the Injection of a Plasma with Hot Electrons into an Inhomogeneous Cold Plasma Layer Kocharovsky, V. V.

68 5 p. 149-154
5 Multistability in a Chiral Semiconductor Microcavity Dmitrieva, O. A.

68 5 p. 144-148
6 Structure and Mechanical Characteristics of Composites with High Damping Properties Lomakin, E. V.

68 5 p. 171-176
7 Synchronized Active Antenna Arrays for Studying the Passage of Ultra-Wideband Signals in the Atmosphere and Ionosphere Lebedev, E. F.

68 5 p. 155-158
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland