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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of Temperature Stresses in the Lithosphere of the Early Moon Voropaev, S. A.

68 1 p. 24-29
2 Comparative Analysis of the Darcy and Brinkman Approximations for the Transition to Instability in a Porous Medium Il’ichev, A. T.

68 1 p. 9-13
3 Development Trends in Plasma Aerodynamics Aleshin, B. S.

68 1 p. 1-5
4 Necessary Conditions for the Existence of Spacecraft in Closed Ultralow Orbits Filatyev, A. S.

68 1 p. 35-40
5 Simulation of Vibrations of Railway Structures by the Grid-Characteristic Method Petrov, I. B.

68 1 p. 30-34
6 Three-Term Representations of Power Tensor Series in the Theory of Constitutive Relations Georgievskii, D. V.

68 1 p. 6-8
7 Transfer of Drop Material during the Formation of a Primary Cavity Chashechkin, Yu. D.

68 1 p. 14-23
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland