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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Asymptotic Method for Taking into Account the Influence of the Boundary Layer of a High-Speed Flow on the Propagation Characteristics of Sound Modes in a Cylindrical Duct with Rigid Walls Ostrikov, N. N.

67 9 p. 348-355
2 Comparative Study of Impedance Educing Methods Using Various Setups with “Interferometer with the Flow” Based on the Results of the Analysis of Experimental Data Obtained in the IFAR Project Kopiev, V. F.

67 9 p. 335-347
3 Determination of the Aerodynamic Noise of the Main Elements of a Full-Scale Aircraft Using a Multi-Microphone Antenna and Beamforming Algorithms Kopiev, V. F.

67 9 p. 315-327
4 Development of Initial Disturbances in the Circulating Flow with Variable Vorticity around the Free Cylinder Yudin, M. A.

67 9 p. 289-295
5 Experimental Study of Small-Scale Landing Gear of Regional Aircraft in TsAGI AC-2 Anechoic Chamber and Comparison with Flight-Test Results Kopiev, V. F.

67 9 p. 328-334
6 Investigation of the Effect of the Wing-Setting Angle on Scattering Characteristics of the Near Hydrodynamic Field of a Turbulent Jet Bychkov, O. P.

67 9 p. 305-314
7 Noise Reduction for a High-Speed Jet of an SST Engine Based on Acoustic Test Results for a Rectangular Nozzle in the TsAGI AC-2 Anechoic Chamber Belyaev, I. V.

67 9 p. 296-304
8 Promising Methods for Reducing the Vibrations of Aircraft Structures under Acoustic Excitation Zverev, A. Ya.

67 9 p. 369-376
9 Propagation of Sound in a Circular Duct in the Presence of a Pylon Yakovets, M. A.

67 9 p. 356-362
10 The All-Russia Aeroacoustic Forum, September 20–25, 2021, Gelendzhik
67 9 p. 257
11 The Contribution of Instability Waves to Intermittency of Velocity Disturbances in a Turbulent Jet Yudin, M. A.

67 9 p. 282-288
12 The Degeneracy of Nonlinearity in a Turbulent System Zybin, K. P.

67 9 p. 278-281
13 The Linear Operator Generation Method in the Inverse Problem of Identification of Aeroacoustic Sources Demyanov, M. A.

67 9 p. 363-368
14 The Separation of Acoustic and Hydrodynamic Variables in the Model of Sound Sources of a Turbulent Jet Kopiev, V. F.

67 9 p. 258-268
15 Two Approaches to Modeling the Noise of Low-Speed Subsonic Jets Bychkov, O. P.

67 9 p. 269-277
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland