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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 3D Vortices and Their Dynamics in Models of Uniaxial Ferro- and Antiferromagnets Borisov, A. B.

67 7 p. 187-192
2 Gas-Jet Synthesis of Diamond Coatings from a H2+CH4+Ar Mixture Activated in a Microwave Discharge Rebrov, A. K.

67 7 p. 197-200
3 Glasgow-2021: The Difficult Road to the 1.5°С Goal Klimenko, V. V.

67 7 p. 215-221
4 Parametric Resonance of a Three-Layer Cylindrical Composite Shell Supported by Longitudinal Ribs and a Cylinder under Action of Time-Varying Axial Force Bakulin, V. N.

67 7 p. 209-214
5 Registering the Kinetics of Intermolecular Interactions by Low-Coherence Interferometry for the Development of Biomarker Immunoassays for Cardiovascular Diseases Orlov, A. V.

67 7 p. 193-196
6 Rupture of a Subsiding Splash: A Dynamic Wake of the Freely Falling Drop Merger with a Target Fluid at Rest Chashechkin, Yu. D.

67 7 p. 201-208
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland