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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Mathematical Theory of Ignition by an Incandescent Surface Filippov, A. A.

67 4 p. 104-109
2 A Powerful DC/DC Voltage Converter for Battery Charging on Board an Aircraft with a Hybrid Power Plant Varyukhin, A. N.

67 4 p. 114-118
3 Concept and Practical Implementation of a Gigantic Plasma-Filled Coaxial Line for Simulation of the Interaction of Electromagnetic Pulses with a Partially Ionized Gas Medium Goykhman, M. B.

67 4 p. 95-98
4 Coordinates of a Wave Attractor in a Trapezoidal Wave Basin with Stratification Petrov, A. G.

67 4 p. 99-103
5 Formation of the Fine Structure of Pearlite Steel under Ultra-long Plastic Deformation Grigorovich, K. V.

67 4 p. 119-122
6 The Anomalous Suction Effect on Instability of a Supersonic Boundary Layer Egorov, I. V.

67 4 p. 110-113
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland