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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Generalized Approach to Interference Invariant of the Hydroacoustic Field in Deep and Shallow Seas Aksenov, S. P.

67 11 p. 442-446
2 Calculation of the Mean Free Path of an Electron in a Multiply Connected Conductive Domain Kolesnikov, V. I.

67 11 p. 454-458
3 Characteristics of Solar Cells Based on Polycrystalline Silicon Abdurakhmanov, B. M.

67 11 p. 439-441
4 Comparison of the Intensities of Chemical and Physical Processes Occurring during Laser-Induced Breakdown of Colloidal Solutions of Tb Nanoparticles with Different Oxidation States Simakin, A. V.

67 11 p. 465-471
5 Heat Transfer Processes at Early Stages of Crystal Nucleation in Glass-Forming Materials and Polymers Minakov, A. A.

67 11 p. 459-464
6 Material Damage to a Target Caused by an Impact with an Elongated Body Buravova, S. N.

67 11 p. 447-450
7 Setting of Requirements for Steam-Explosion Plants Ganiev, O. R.

67 11 p. 472-474
8 The Problem of Derivation of the Magnus Formula Gladkov, S. O.

67 11 p. 451-453
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland