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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Block Elements in Boundary-Value Problems for Sets of Differential Equations of Mechanics and Physics in Non-Classical Domains Babeshko, V. A.

66 6 p. 169-174
2 Dynamic Stability of a Three-Layer Cylindrical Shell Reinforced by Ring Ribs and a Hollow Cylinder under the Action of External Pulsing Pressure Bakulin, V. N.

66 6 p. 175-181
3 Groups of Sprays from the Impact of a Water Drop Falling Freely into a Melted Metal Chashechkin, Yu. D.

66 6 p. 164-168
4 New-Generation Disk Explosive Magnetic Generators Duday, P. V.

66 6 p. 156-159
5 The Essence of “Black Holes” for Elastic Waves in Solids with Cuspidal Sharpening Nazarov, S. A.

66 6 p. 182-185
6 Tunable-Frequency Lasing on Thin Semiconductor Quantum Rings Mandel, A. M.

66 6 p. 160-163
7 Ultracompact Fluorescence Lidar Based on a Diode Laser (405 nm, 150 mW) for Remote Sensing of Waterbodies and the Underlying Surface from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Grishin, M. Ya.

66 6 p. 153-155
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland