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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Discontinuity Structures of Solutions to Equations Describing Longitudinal–Torsional Waves in Elastic Rods Kulikovskii, A. G.

66 4 p. 110-113
2 Drop Decay into Individual Fibers at the Boundary of the Contact Area with a Target Fluid Chashechkin, Yu. D.

66 4 p. 101-105
3 Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Nano- and Microroughnesses on the Intensity of Swirled Flow Naumov, I. V.

66 4 p. 118-121
4 Experimental Validation of Linear-Stability Theory Applied to a Submerged Jet Zayko, J. S.

66 4 p. 106-109
5 Results of Quantitative Analysis of High-Speed Shadowgraphy of Shock Tube Flows Using Machine Vision and Machine Learning Znamenskaya, I. A.

66 4 p. 93-96
6 The Characteristic Cooling Rate and Vitrification of Liquids Sanditov, D. S.

66 4 p. 97-100
7 Use of Movable Objects to Change the Position of a Rigid Body without Shifting Its Center of Mass Shmatkov, A. M.

66 4 p. 114-117
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland