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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Heterogeneous Photosensitizer Based on Zinc Oxide for Photo Cleaning of Aquatic Media Nikitaev, Yu. A.

66 3 p. 88-91
2 All-Glass Single-Mode Microstructured Fibers with a Large Mode Area Denisov, A. N.

66 3 p. 64-66
3 Anharmonicity and the Ratio of Sound Velocity Squares in Glassy Solids Sanditov, D. S.

66 3 p. 67-71
4 Effect of Macro-, Micro-, and Nanoparticles on Turbulence in a Carrier Gas Varaksin, A. Yu.

66 3 p. 72-75
5 Numerical Simulation of the Receptivity of a Supersonic Boundary Layer to Acoustic Disturbances in Compression and Rarefaction Flows Egorov, I. V.

66 3 p. 76-79
6 Study of a Composite Consisting of Metal Nanoparticles in a Dielectric Matrix and Multilayer Bandpass Filters Based on It Belyaev, B. A.

66 3 p. 59-63
7 Wind Regime Change over the Russian Territory and the Accident Rate of Overhead Power Lines Klimenko, V. V.

66 3 p. 80-87
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland