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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anomalous Wave Transmission through a Thin Channel Connecting Two Acoustic Waveguides Nazarov, S. A.

66 2 p. 45-50
2 Application of Vertical Receiving Arrays for Underwater Acoustic Communication in an Inhomogeneous Waveguide under an Ice Cover Volkov, M. V.

66 2 p. 55-58
3 Dynamic Equilibrium Positions of Bent Pipeline with Vibrating Supports Ilgamov, M. A.

66 2 p. 51-54
4 Re-Reflections of an Elastic Precursor of a Shock Wave in Solids Kanel, G. I.

66 2 p. 35-38
5 Self-Induced Processes of Viscous–Nonviscous Interaction in a Laminar Boundary Layer over a Porous Surface Lipatov, I. I.

66 2 p. 39-41
6 Synthesis of Multilayered Diamond Films in Microwave Plasma with Periodic Nitrogen Injections Martyanov, A. K.

66 2 p. 42-44
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland