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1 Equilibrium of a Solid Body Supported at One Point by a Rough Plane Rozenblat, G. M.

66 10 p. 296-302
2 Lidar Monitoring of Moisture in Biological Objects Grishin, M. Ya.

66 10 p. 273-276
3 Navier–Stokes Solutions with Symmetry Constraints and Their Relation with Transitional and Turbulent Pipe Flows Priymak, V. G.

66 10 p. 293-295
4 Parametric Broadening of the Electronic-Vibrational Spectrum of a Molecule Caused by Zero-Point Vibrations and Thermal Fluctuations of Interatomic Bonds Lebedev-Stepanov, P. V.

66 10 p. 277-284
5 Visualization of Media Contact Areas in Drop Impact Flows with Chemical Reactions Chashechkin, Yu. D.

66 10 p. 285-292
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands